Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Importance of Number 26

Twenty Six (26)

1. There are 26 letters in English which can make 40,329 x 1022 different combination.

2. It is the only number between a square number and a cube number.
25 = 5^2 < 26 < 27 = 3^3 3. It is the smallest number which is not a palindrome number but its square is a palindrome. A palindrome number read from left to right and vice versa gives the same result. 26^2 = 676 this is a palindrome number. 4. It is the sum of three consecutive Fibonacci number. 26 = 5 + 8 + 13 5. It is the difference of the 2nd pair of amicable numbers. Two numbers are said to be amicable if the sum of factors of one number excluding itself gives the other number and vice versa. The first pair of amicable number is 220 and 284. The second pair of amicable number is 1184 and 1210. 1210 – 1184 = 26 6. A rhombicuboctahedron has 26 sides. It is an Archimedean solid with 8 triangular and 18 square faces.

7. In ternary system it has repeated digit. 26 written on base three is equal to 2223.

8. The atomic number of Iron is 26.

9. It is the third heptagonal pyramidal number. The heptagonal number for n can be calculated by adding up the heptagonal numbers for 1 to n, or

by using the formula ----n(n + 1)(5n - 2)/6.

The first 5 heptagonal pyramidal numbers are – 1, 8, 26, 60 and 115.

10. It is the sum of its cubes.
26^3 = 17576 and 1 + 7 + 5 + 7 + 6 = 26

11. Here is a Heptagonal puzzle which is quite difficult to solve. This puzzle is due to Henry Dudeney (1847 -1930). The puzzle goes like this—using the number 1 to 14 place a different number in each circle so that the three numbers along every side add up to 26. Henry himself has given this solution.

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Dr Rajesh Kumar Thakur

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