1. 244 is an anti-perfect.
Its proper divisors are 1, 2, 4, 61, and 122, & adding their reversal is 244.
1 + 2 + 4 + 16 + 221 = 244.
2. It is a palindromic in bases 3 (1000013), 11 (20211), 60 (4460), 121 (22121), 243 (11243).
3. 244 is also the sum of three cubes,
4. It is the sum of two nonzero fifth powers
244 = 1^5 + 3^5
5. It is a Harshad number on the base 3, 9, 11 ... . Harshad number was discovered by Indian mathematician Kaprekar.
Dr Rajesh Kumar Thakur